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Welcome to Vital Essence!

Welcome to the new Vital Essence Blog!

DSCN5604.JPGI am excited to have a new website and blog to share information about healing and transformation. I am a chiropractor serving the Annapolis, Maryland area and beyond for over 18 years .

After receiving a Bachelors in Science at Lebanon Valley College, I began studying at New York Chiropractic College in 1995. At that time I had very little knowledge of Chiropractic and only one experience at the Chiropractor. Once in school I felt at home and very intrigued with the body.

Approximately half way through I was introduced to Network Chiropractic, now known as Network Spinal Analysis. Its philosophy and approach resonated with me deeply.  My perspective changed greatly and I began practicing it every chance I had.  In less than a year I was introduced to Cerebrospinal Fluid Technique.  I felt another profound shift inside and was drawn to add it to my repertoire.  My work today includes both techniques inspired through my intuition and creativity.

We all have an inner healer inside.  I facilitate the process of awakening this inner healer or physician.  Our inner physician is intimately related to our brain and spinal cord or nervous system.  This neurological system is a major two way communication network of the body.  The brain and body give and receive information from each other continuously to ensure optimum function.  When these channels remain clear one experiences an enhanced quality of life.  Various forms of stress impede these lines of communication and induce compressive tension into our spine and bodies. Neurological compromise occurs and the body is not able to function well without a clear exchange of directives necessary for vitality.  The unprocessed energy due to the lack of clear communication then creates further impedance.DSCN5571.JPG

Picture your brain and spinal cord as the head and tail of a tadpole.  Now picture this tadpole having a saran wrap sheath around it.  The nourishing spinal fluid flows between the sheath and the brain and spinal cord.  It is this sheath that physically attaches to the spinal bones, specifically the skull, upper cervical vertebrae and the tailbone. This connection creates the possibility for direct access to the nervous system through contact on the spinal bones.

Each visit consists of a series of low amplitude contacts on the spine.  This direct neurological access facilitates an awakening of one’s ability to process the stored energy within.  As the compressive tension dissipates the body self-aligns.  Subsequent sessions further one’s self-aligning capabilities by enhancing the ability to process stored energy more effectively.

Eventually one becomes masterful of these inherent characteristics and significantly less reliant on this restoration process. When this occurs much of the restoration has taken place.  An innate catalytic process takes over and our inner physician is set free.

Stay tuned for future  blog posts and resources to support your journey of healing and transformation!